I wrote a script that simply just returned the Top X songs for an artist using Last.fm’s information.
1) Download pylast:
2) Unzip it
3) Open a terminal and ‘cd’ to that directory.
3) Run the command: ./setup.py build
3) Run the command: ./setup.py install
4) Download and run my code from terminal
./lastfm.py -a <Search Term> [-l <#>] [-s]
-a Search Artist in quotations.
-l Return limit. Default = 10.
-s Similar Artists.
./lastfm.py -a “Cold War Kids”
To make it easier to run the script from anywhere, you can add the directory to your PATH.
1) From terminal ‘vi ~/.cshrc’
2) Add “PATH=$PATH\:/Users/userName/
3) Hit “Esc” then “:” followed by “wq” then “return”
4) type “source ~./cshrc”Now you can run the command anywhere within a terminal
Example: lastfm.py -a "Coconut Records" -s
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