It??s true; I cut soda out of my life for now. I don??t know how long it will last, but i’am giving it a shot.
It all started back o’ 2 weeks ago when I visited my local Pepsi plantation. The people there were old looking and had horrible odors attached to them. Like any other adventure, they showed me around the place and let me even come up with my own soda. BOY-gully, that sure was exciting, I mean how many people get to create their own soda? The best part of the field trip was that they let me ride in a cool little cart that had the words “P-E-P-S-I” on the side of it. It even had some radical flame decals coming out of the tires. Finally we came to the testing felicity. Inside where tons of workers that seemed to be treated like slaves in a coal mine. They had great steel balls tied around their ankles and in one corner just stood the foot of what appeared to be human. Most of the workers inside were passed out with empty cans in their hand, but for the ones that were awake, they showed me a treat. Only enough to take a sip of that sweet refreshing drink called Pepsi. It was getting late and I had to say bye to my two slave buddies. As I turned to say good-bye, they looked and me and smiled. Their horrific teeth shot out like a slab of butter shoved in their mouth. One of them only had his 4 front teeth; one of them was barely hanging onto its tread. At that point I knew I must quit drinking soda.
2 Responses to “No More Soda!! For now.”
you wont last Booowawawhahahahah
I bet soda is your CRACK!!
or is CRACK your CRACK??