I finally got a car that I can call my own well somewhat. I didnt pay for it, but its for me. Its a dark green 1999 Honda Civic Dx 1.6 lit. One bad side is that the AC doesn’t work 🙁 It doesnt bother me to as it does with passengers. There’s so much I can do this car I dont even know where to start. I dont plan to get over board, but just enough so I think its good.
I couldn’t find my Digicam so I used the cameraphone. :0)
4 Responses to “New Used Car”
Well I’ve ridden in it. I don’t mind the AC part…partly because at least your windows roll down…unlike mine which makes a weird cat noise when I make a stop and the AC blows out hot air…..and I can’t even roll down any of the wondows, but nonetheless ….i think its badass that you got your own car now.
nice! honda’s foreverrrrr. haha.
what do you plan to do to it?
In order of importance: throw up a AEM intake, some phat rims ( I think I can go 16-19in max) drop it down with some suspension. Exhaust. Finally a paint job this green isnt cutting it. If i have any money left ill put on a turbo kit. :0) All I need is a better paying job :0) taco bell isnt cuttin it with the 6.75 🙁
ah taco bell. it’s okay, i might be in the same situation next month 🙁 i have to save up for a car & i plan on fixing it up too (not too much, though)
watch out for the exhaust, though…my friends told me that if you have a loud ass one, your car might get impounded. wth??? yeahhh.