
Ever since my family bought a personal computer I could never get enough of it. I love technology in all forms, from computers to cars. I’m a tech person and probably will be till I pass on.


My Status:

I’m an 18 year old student currently attending Cal Poly Pomona as a freshmen. I live in ‘sunny’ southern California, USA.


About DudeWhere’

DudeWheresMyCar is some-what a project I’ve decided to do. I first started with just a simple web-page about me and my life. Every since then I’ve keep wanting to do more and more with it. I when through many layout and graphics. Finally I found a company that was just taking off. ( So they gave me a 3 year (test) trial. From there I took advantage of all its features and decide to buy my own domain. ( They name it’s self really has nothing to do with the movie, I just thought it was kind of funny. So that’s that. Were I will go from here I still haven’t made up my mind.